What beaches do you hunt on? I understand that generally, the MXT is not good on the west coast beaches but works good on most of the east coast beaches. Doesn't seem to be as much black sand on the east coast.
I used my MXT at Myrtle Beach, all the way from dry sand near the dunes right down into the low surf. There is a big tuning difference between dry sand and wet sand but it worked excellent in both.
For the wet sand I would set the sensitivity so that it would GB after about 10 - 15 pumps of the coil. More than that, it was too sensitive. If less, I would increase the sensitivity.
I used the stock 9.5 coil. I don't know if it is good or bad but I was getting hits 6 - 10" down. Most were 4 - 6. First time also, I used RELIC mode, 0 DISC, trigger forward.
If you are in the shallow surf with all the foam and it goes into overload just back off the sensitivity a little.
I did not have anyone else to compare to. All I can say is that I had fun and really learned to use my detector better than I had before. If another detector could have done better, I cannot say.
This was my first time on a salt water beach. I was there two weeks and found about $30 of change, some silver and other cheap rings and charms, one thin gold charm (showed as foil), sinkers bullets and lots and lots of beach junk.
About the only real satisfaction I had was walking back over a stretch I had already searched I passed another guy with a detector who complained about how poorly he was doing after hunting a couple of hours. I think he had about 6 coins in his pocket. <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
Would I do it again? You betcha!