...On the History Chennel today,Battlefield Detectives investigated my all-time favorite WHAT REALLY HAPPENED-Custer's Last Stand....They had forensic experts and archaeologists using metal detectors,and Indian historians;and they all tell a greatly different story of what happened...bottom line;the troopers were poorly trained,fed,and in poor physical condition...They were out-gunned by the Indians 4-to-1...They had a Springfield rifle that was rumored to have been in the battle;and amazingly,they matched cartridges found on the battlefield to the rifle they had by matching firing-pin marks on newly-fired rounds;and found out that this rifle was used by Custer's troops,then was used AGAINST them by the Indians in the same battle...according to Indian historians;the troopers fled in mass-panic instead of "standing their ground";as Hollywood would have us believe-And;this was verified by the forensic people and the archaelogists....At the end of the program;they showed a still-live unfired cartridge found recently on Last Stand Hill -They also had bones dug up that were apparently some of the troopers-The size of the holes in the skulls from the bullets and war-axes were a sobering sight-In a written account by the Indians;the fleeing troopers was like "a stampede of buffalo"...and the modern-day experts backed it up with evidence that was what really happened... It sounds like them troopers were as human as you or I......