New member
with the vaquero can i use nimh rechargeble batteries rather than alkaline.i know that the nimh rechargeble batteries don't last as long as the alkaline life ,but surely this wouldn't be aproblem if one changed them regularly ,say every six hours or the moment i'm using too many's great that i can use my half charged batteries in my compadre and it works fine.but my prefered weapon is the vaquero and the compadre is my back up,sorry tabdog.i'm getting over run with half used batteries.i think this question has been asked before many times.couldn't this site be set up,like another ,that has answers to all those faq's. i'm sure their are those out there that say ,"oh not again".i for one am steadily working my way down through another site gleaning as much info that is applicable to me.hh. see ya ! blowfly [ loved your picture in the paper,. now i know what tabdog looks like.however one of your photos on pine bluff showed a car parked on the left of the road like normal people drive or was the negative back the front.]come in spinner !!