hunted an old farm today, got all the relics there, 1916 wheat, and 1892 Indian penny, kinda rough shape but I will take it!
From there we went back into town and hit an old lot that used to have an old house on it, I stepped onto the lot and did not go 5 feet and got a good dime signal, it only showed 2-3" deep, so I figured it was a modern dime. I cut the plug flipped it up and saw silver shining back at me, 1892 barber dime and 1901 V nickel stuck together. This is my first barber dime of the year, and my 9th V nickel, seems like they popping up everywhere! it was about a month ago I found a barber quarter and a v nickel in the same hole.
From there we went back into town and hit an old lot that used to have an old house on it, I stepped onto the lot and did not go 5 feet and got a good dime signal, it only showed 2-3" deep, so I figured it was a modern dime. I cut the plug flipped it up and saw silver shining back at me, 1892 barber dime and 1901 V nickel stuck together. This is my first barber dime of the year, and my 9th V nickel, seems like they popping up everywhere! it was about a month ago I found a barber quarter and a v nickel in the same hole.