Hi to all the posters and viewers of this thread !
I have used a Tesoro Bandido II uMax for the last two years and like it a lot.
Monte V. Berry posted his opinions, etc. on all (4) of the Bandido models, in a thread that was actually started by "sqwaby" titled
Vaquero vs Bandito umax back on July 16, 2009 02:42PM. Monte's post in that thread was titled
David, here are my "brief" Monday morning replies and was dated July 20, 2009 07:38AM.
If you read the entire thread, there is a lot of good information on the Bandido series, but Monte's above mentioned post is especially good for comparing the models.
To read the thread and Monte's post of the above title, click the
Search button at the top of this page. Then enter
Vaquero vs Bandito umax into the Search Message window (Bandito is spelled wrong with a "t", but type it that way anyhow.). Also, select
All Words. For the Options, select
Show results as threads and
All Dates . Finally, click-on the Search button. After the page of search results is displayed, scroll down and click-on the thread title sought.
I hope this is helpful.