[size=small]"Too much for the beginner" is relative. I had a Bandido when I was a beginner and I survived. It really is overdone, all this talk of depth and ground balancing and so on. It tends to scare newcomers. I've been detecting for 17 years now and have used about every sort of unit since then, including lots of Tesoro's. Trust me when I say that you can do this.
So, how about some straight talk on the Bandido?
The Bandido II uMax is a good, basic detector that is very versatile. For a long time it was the benchmark standard. Only the Fisher 1266X could be said to be in the same category, ie, lightweight, non-TID all-purpose/relic detector.
It has manual ground balance that is very stable and this makes it suitable for a wide range of uses... in other words, versatile. I hope you are getting that point. It has excellent, razor edged DISC and makes a pretty handy TID instrument, although it IS monotone and you have to "twiddle the knobs" to take advantage of this ability.
It has great target separation, a very important factor to succcess in the field and often overlooked. It is very sensitive and will detect many small targets, from small gold to .22 shells with ease. And yes, before you ask it, this last part means it is deep enough to do most things you could ask of it as a relic detector.
It can use a variety of different coils, which is another overlooked element for lots of people. Also, it's almost ridiculously lightweight and will spoil you for other detectors because if it. Finally it holds it's value well and has a warranty that cannot be touched - if anything goes wrong with it, Tesoro will fix it FREE.
If you have a line on one at a good price, get it. You cant go wrong.
There, how was that?
Now, keep in mind that the Vaquero is out there, nowadays and can be had used, too, if that helps your budget. It has superceded the Bandido II umax as the manual GB, progressive DISC unit in Tesoro's lineup. It might add a bit more depth to your hunting, but it wont be a lot. And possibly not worth the extra money.[/size]