A while back I asked for prayers for my mother-in -law's dog;gizmo;that she rescued from the Humane Society-He recently came down with a lung ailment;and had medicine that seemed to help for a while...Well;yesterday;Gizmo collapsed and couldnt walk-They took him to the vet's,and they suspected he had a broken blood vessel somewhere;and they think it might have been due to cancer;because he was gaining a lot of weight recently...They said there was nothing to be done;but the right thing...
....my mother in law called last nite about6:00 and told my wife;they were both heart broken
-I feel bad,too-He was so close to my mother in law after she got him from the humane society.When she got him;he didnt know what a squeaky toy was for;he hadnt been fed properly for a long time;and was scared of everybody;because of abuse.But-BOY OH BOY;did he take on his own personality with her.He loved everybody;and LOVED his food-somebody had taught him in the past to sit up and beg for food-My mother in law told me when he was first brought in to the Humane Society;he would do that in the cage;and she knew then she had to have him....she did the LORD'S work;she gave him the best life for the last 7 years;they think he lived until 14.SO:when I say a prayer for Christmas dinner;I am going to thank the LORD for sending Gizmo to all of us-AND-my mother in law also;for taking care of one of HIS animals so well...P.S:To anybody that has animals,give them an extra hug or pat today,and please pray for my mother in law Bonnie,and GIZMO;now a free spirit