Headed out after work back to the woods for another hunt. One and a half hours goes by too quickly. I also stopped at a tot lot on the way home to anty up my total take with some newer loot. The 5 bracelets were actually found in the woods. Weird....
Below is a shot of some more keepers. That musket ball is covered all over with teeth marks. I'll never know what caused someone so much pain that they had to resort to chewing on a lead musket ball......
Headed out after work back to the woods for another hunt. One and a half hours goes by too quickly. I also stopped at a tot lot on the way home to anty up my total take with some newer loot. The 5 bracelets were actually found in the woods. Weird....
Below is a shot of some more keepers. That musket ball is covered all over with teeth marks. I'll never know what caused someone so much pain that they had to resort to chewing on a lead musket ball......