Well, I had just about decided to get the White's M6, then I vacillated back and forth on the Tesoro Golden umax or the Tejon. Then Mike Hillis had me thinking about the F5. Well, today I was at Academy and saw the Teknetics Delta for $279 and after all of Monte's posts on Teknetics, my mouth started drooling again. You see, I went gambling at the Horseshoe this a.m. and hit a whopping $600 on some video poker machines and today was also the day to take my wife shopping-S-O-O-O I decided to stop by the Academy where I had been drooling for 3 weeks. There was a BIG problem, though. About 20 years ago, I started using the Tracker series and just LOVED the tone discrimination. I even met a sales rep who asked my dealer WHY in the world he sold me a Tracker when there was better BH offers. He promptly told him that I LOVED them. End of discussion. Then the rep talked to me and I told him about an article I was thinking of writing on the Tracker with it's high-tone propensity (I explained that to him for a few minutes) and how it would find coins under trash better than any notch system, etc. Well, he told me to write it and he would have it printed and GIVE ME THE CREDIT. Well, I left mumbling something about where he could stick his credit. Then, about 2 years ago I posted about the Amphibian-the name I would have given a Tracker submersible to 15-20 feet. All they had to do was rotate an internal tone disc control from the click on position to where nickels just give a smooth low tone-the perfect setting-TRY IT. Then, there would be a clamp on cover that would cover the headphone jack and speaker when underwater. This cover would also have a waterproof headset so that when you did clamp it on, you could first plug in the headset. On land, the jack and speaker would be as normal with the cover off. Well, I was told that the Tracker wasn't deep enough and the idea probably would flop. HELLO! Why is there such a rave now the AT Pro is out? And since coins average the first 4"-and isn't this about fun, anyway?
Well, with my heart pounding, I stuck the other $200 in my pocket and picked the lowly Tracker IV for a measely $99 and ran to the register-the excitement building from days gone by. I only had an hour before my wife would call to come pick her up so I ran to the school and coins started popping everywhere. The fast response, IMMEDIATE knowledge of the probability from the tones, and easy pinpointing- I was a little kid again. After about $3 in coins and a ring (not gold) I was elated. I LOVE THIS DETECTOR! And don't blame me that we don't have the Amphibian.