With all these parts, maybe you can re-construct the tractor
Don't give up hope Gunnar there might be a lot of land and the possibilities are endless. However, you have top notch equipment to seek and find the goodies that are hidden on the land. Think of it as a recovery mission. That is how I have been viewing the carnivals grounds. Recover as much as possible before it is a brand spankin' new ball field. You on the other hand, don't have a time table per se' which lessens the anxiety of hurrying up & finding all that you can. Just keep hitting this old farmhouse and barn area, along side the road where there could of been a vegetable stand, large trees, near the river
( you know that is a well worn path to the river ) large rocks, etc.
Try coming in from a different angle, start at a different spot,
most of all,
listen to your inner self as to where it is telling you to look. Many years back I didn't listen too well (although I found some good stuff) Now, I really listen to that inner voice as to where it is telling me to go and look. Doing so puts me in some crazy places but I end up finding nice things (coins, rings, relics)
Case in point - in one of my posts, I think I called it the "Y" where the two roads split off. 10 + years ago, maybe even 5, I most likely would of never even of tried such a place. Now, I listen to that inner voice much closer and it was telling me to get there and "clean it up" lol funny but true. I still have the same eyeballs, now I just carry a different perspective which changes my vision to where the goodies are hidding beneath the surface. Do I need to still work on it? Absolutely! But I am amazed at the changes I have made and results of the finds I have made. Also research as much as you can. I read a lot of old articles. in fact, this evening, I just found out at a dead end street, (a couple miles from my home) right beyond the tree line there is a rail line. (I knew about this rail line and walked it as I grew up in the neighborhood) But what I just found out tonight, that there was a station and a stop right beyond the dead end street! This stop was for the people going up the street to the old campgrounds (1865) that are still there! The people use to get on horse drawn carriages and up to the campground retreat they went! Time to take a walk and check out the rail line.
Hang in there Gunnar, you are persistent and it will pay off. Remember Quality over Quantity. Although a nice cache of silver coins would certainly be welcome lol.