1 block away from my house, so I walked up there . Never seen so many empty beer bottle and caps on the surface. After 1 and half hours of this tour , I had enough. Turned off the Ace, Grabbed my 5 gallon bucket, had some real choice words for this part of earth and slowly walked back home.But , walking back I thought to myself , just an hour and half ago I was crying , belly akin to go some where and hunt , now I'M still complaining, so I told the big guy in the sky i was sorry for my attitude and i was thankful for the little hunt. . Now feast your eyes on this mess 36 cent, two locks, a soccer trophy, another old lipstick tube and pile of just goofies. Probably get to hunt next.week. I will find some good stuff another day I can feel it , not just in my back and knees , but I know before long I will post some nicer finds and I know most of you have lost more then I have found . C YA........