Well, after a lengthy absence, I'm about to get another MXT. It was tough, there are a few things I would rather see improved on the MXT, but it's about the best VLF unit that I've used for prospecting in bad ground. Have a GMT and, while it will find smaller stuff, the MXT has found much more gold for me when I had one. Therefor, it's out with the GMT and in with the MXT. Won't be a total loss as far as small gold since I have a Diablo uMax on the way too. Just couldn't have 2 specialized machines. I'll also be doing some extensive in-ground testing between the MXT, Diablo uMax, and Vaquero. Almost went the Fisher F70/75 route, but the lack of ground tracking in such high-end detectors, with the lack of coils, rather put me off. Playing around in AZ with the GMT and high sensitivity settings really showed the difference a good ground tracking circuit could make. Knowing my luck, they'll come out with a new and improved MXT in March/April and I'll be kicking myself.. oh well. ..Willy.