New member
My pinpointer wouldn't work last year...Just would not register metal at all so I contacted Whites and explained what was up. Boxed it up and mailed it to them. In about five days I was holding a brand new Bullseye2.
Absolutely amazing customer service.
Well now they get to do it again. Now my pointer wont stop working. Push the switch and it buzzes up a storm regardless of metal being near or not. I have lowered the sensitivity down to nothing to no avail.
You know...Haveing two glitches in that period of time really does not bother me too much. I was treated so well last time by the Whites company that I am willing to be a happy customer even though I have had some return needs.
I think if more companies bent over backwards like Whites has done (and hopefully will do again) customer loyalty would increase tremendously.
gotta tell you though.....coin shooting without a pinpointer is like walking the streets in one of those hospital gowns....Something just feels wrong.
Absolutely amazing customer service.
Well now they get to do it again. Now my pointer wont stop working. Push the switch and it buzzes up a storm regardless of metal being near or not. I have lowered the sensitivity down to nothing to no avail.
You know...Haveing two glitches in that period of time really does not bother me too much. I was treated so well last time by the Whites company that I am willing to be a happy customer even though I have had some return needs.
I think if more companies bent over backwards like Whites has done (and hopefully will do again) customer loyalty would increase tremendously.
gotta tell you though.....coin shooting without a pinpointer is like walking the streets in one of those hospital gowns....Something just feels wrong.