Vicky and I had a nice weekend. Did the Freedom trail walk in Boston and hit Concord and Lexington. What an area rich in history! Man, it's tough to drive past all those areas knowing you can't pull out your MD without getting arrested 
Unfortunately, I didn't get much MD'ing at all in. The only opportunity I had to hit Revere beach, an early 1800's beach, it was high tide... On top of that it was windy and cold. On top of that I was sick as a dog. The first night we got there I came down with a doozy of a cold, sore throat, sneezin', etc... I was able to make it through the weekend though. Got to visit an old friend and his wife Thursday night and go to another friend's church this morning for a real nice service and lunch afterwards. Praise God there was no traffic on the way home and we made it back in 4 hours! All in all, it was a nice time away but I'm glad to be home
Got tomorrow off and, weather permitting, I'm going to try to hit that park again where I got the Mercs a couple of weeks ago. We had close to 4" of rain over the weekend, so the diggin' should be pretty easy tomorrow 

Unfortunately, I didn't get much MD'ing at all in. The only opportunity I had to hit Revere beach, an early 1800's beach, it was high tide... On top of that it was windy and cold. On top of that I was sick as a dog. The first night we got there I came down with a doozy of a cold, sore throat, sneezin', etc... I was able to make it through the weekend though. Got to visit an old friend and his wife Thursday night and go to another friend's church this morning for a real nice service and lunch afterwards. Praise God there was no traffic on the way home and we made it back in 4 hours! All in all, it was a nice time away but I'm glad to be home