HEHEHEHEHEHE back to my beloved ETRAC i dont think i will ever find anything to match it i am just so happy with it and know what it is telling me
so looks like you will have to put up with me again i keep trying these other machines but NO not for me ill stick to the ETRAC thankyou very much
bought myself an ultimate coil and will give that a whizz this weekend
i took it down to my coin garden and with the new coil it found a gold ring at nine inches measured with a plastic ruler at the side of it and all i can say is i am quite happy with that thankyou very much WHOOOOOOPEEEEEEEEE
so looks like you will have to put up with me again i keep trying these other machines but NO not for me ill stick to the ETRAC thankyou very much
bought myself an ultimate coil and will give that a whizz this weekend
i took it down to my coin garden and with the new coil it found a gold ring at nine inches measured with a plastic ruler at the side of it and all i can say is i am quite happy with that thankyou very much WHOOOOOOPEEEEEEEEE