Sooper Dave
Well-known member
I noticed that a large area had been cut at on one of my spots that I have found a lot of CW bullets and a few old coins from. This property had an old church and a late 1800's home on it, and the coins I find there are normally around the old home site and are of the time when the home was in use. The bullets are scattered all around the edges away from the home site. Most have been fired or pulled so I believe this was a spot the soldiers used to clean their riffles and reload for action. I slowly started to find a few bullets and then hit a hot spot and found several in one small area. As I got closer to the house site I dug a few Wheats and then a very worn 1918 Merc. It was nice to see a little silver in the dirt. I moved on to the outer edges and dug a few more pieces of lead and some brass pieces. One piece looks like it could be a heel plate off of a boot? It was just about time to go when I thought I would hit one more area along a fence row. I got a 12-44 down about 3" on the Etrac and knew for sure it would be a clad dime or memorial penny. After digging my plug and then having to break the plug apart to get to the target, I was pleasantly surprised to see a silver dime and was shocked to see the wreath on the back of it. Right away I knew I had an early Seated as the wreath is the older style than on the later Seateds and the Barbers. I took my time to get enough water on the front to see a beautiful 1842 Seated dime. All the old lead was enough to make for a fun hunt but that old dime sure put a big smile on my face. There is still a lot of this property that needs to be cut, I sure hope it's hiding a few more nice keepers there. HH David