Waded a party sandbar about 18 hunts this summer.(fresh water) Hunted the Pro and Infinium. Talk about pull tabs. It was a matter of getting it in my head that to get the good stuff, they had to be dug. Well ended up 2 gold rings, a gold earing (0.01gram) picked up by the Pro. 4 Silver rings. Couldn't even guess how many tabs I took out of there. I would guess I scooped up between 900 -1000 targets, counting everything out of there. I have no doubt there's more gold left. Sometimes the tabs were numbing. Now compare that kind of hunting with a dirt hunt I had last week. A perimeter around a outdoor basketball court. Nice 3 hour hunt, no gold/ silver but 104 coins, $11.77. Just 7 tabs/ alum. Just two different types of hunting.
Love them both.