I have noticed that whenever I use one of the suggested settings for Trac Speed my V3 always seems to be tracking. Turning it down to 2 or 3 limits it somewhat but it still seems to track far more than the DFX ever did. We know that too much tracking is bad - the manual says that "too much tracking is as bad as too much". TBH I think tracking on the V3 is too aggressive (at least for normal UK conditions) - but what can we do? The suggestion is that we turn it off, but all that does is mask the fact that tracking is going on. Locking the tracking isn't the answer either really - Whites have always said that tracking is an excellent feature that should always be on. I have asked Whites in the UK for an answer but they don't know what to do and have approached the techies at the US factory, but we don't have a response yet. My view is that we need a change to the range of settings available - so that the adjustment between zero and 1 is extended to give a much finer degree of adjustment. Anyone here with a view on this?