I have benn hunting mostly in manual because I am not sure I am getting depth in auto however, today I got so tired of the falsing in manual that I switched to auto+3. Frankly I was still getting pretty good depth and was running much smoother. I had been running manual 27. I decreased it to manual 24 and was still falsing pretty badly. I switched to auto and it was running at 20 most of the time.
I am going to keep trying both but I am beginning to think that auto is getting a bum rap, maybe it ain't so bad.
Later when I got home I went into the backyard and did a run across the lawn. There is very little, very, very little trash or anything back there. I got maybe three iron hits in a run of about 50'. I was able to run manual 28 with no problem, no falsing at all. Some of the iron was reading about 8" deep, I switched to auto+1 and still hit it, and hit it well.
I have been running both "coins" pattern with conductive and multi... and I have been running "relic" pattern with ferrous and 2 tones. Both ways I get a good bit of chatter and falsing. I also noise cancel often. I notice that it likes channel 9 best, then 6.
What do you think about the auto/manual thing?
My buddy found two coiin spills today... at my site... one had a '44 quarter and 6 wheats. We both have found a 1939 "service award" from GULF oil. They are blue enameled pins.
I have yet to find any silver at this site but he found some yesterday and today... it's my turn next!!
I am going to keep trying both but I am beginning to think that auto is getting a bum rap, maybe it ain't so bad.
Later when I got home I went into the backyard and did a run across the lawn. There is very little, very, very little trash or anything back there. I got maybe three iron hits in a run of about 50'. I was able to run manual 28 with no problem, no falsing at all. Some of the iron was reading about 8" deep, I switched to auto+1 and still hit it, and hit it well.
I have been running both "coins" pattern with conductive and multi... and I have been running "relic" pattern with ferrous and 2 tones. Both ways I get a good bit of chatter and falsing. I also noise cancel often. I notice that it likes channel 9 best, then 6.
What do you think about the auto/manual thing?
My buddy found two coiin spills today... at my site... one had a '44 quarter and 6 wheats. We both have found a 1939 "service award" from GULF oil. They are blue enameled pins.
I have yet to find any silver at this site but he found some yesterday and today... it's my turn next!!