G'day Fred.
When I found the ring a couple of days back, I was actually using my Ace 250. That's why I didn't say too much about it on this forum. I was just tying to answer Rays question. I use a screw driver as my main recovery tool in grass and yes, I even pull rings up with it. If you want to get good at it, then just practice pulling up pull tabs. They are just as tough to locate as a ring. Once you get good at recovering pull tabs, then you can probe just about anything with a screw driver. The X-Terra's don't pinpoint as well as the Ace can, but as it was pointed out to me here a few months ago here, if you hit the pinpoint button twice more (detuning) while still over the target, then you will get a much narrower pinpoint. If you have the 70, then pinpoint in prospecting mode.
As I indicated a couple of weeks back, that once I'd hit my target amount with the Ace, then I'll start using the X-Terra and Explorer again. I've done that now, found $125 in the last week and a half, so you will see a bit more of me on the forum.
Mick Evans.