[attachment 11837 bull.jpg]
While Civil War relic hunting in VA in a cow pasture, I noticed a rather large herd of black steers watching me from a good distance. Concentrating my efforts along a shallow stream that flowed through the pasture, I was hoping to find a Civil War encampment area. I noticed the each time I looked at the steers, they would be closer than before.
While down on my knees retrieving a target, I felt the ground shaking, and looked up just in time to see this charging bull coming, head down and flat out. I had just enough time to jump out of the way, and he then commenced to chase me through 40 ft. of blood-letting Virginia briars and across a shallow creek. As I jumped onto the bank of the other side I startled a wild rabbit, but he never had a chance... I left him in the dust. I had left my XLT laying on the ground and had gotten about half way through those briars when my head phones flew off my head, cord's been too long ever since!Fortunately the bull stopped at the waters edge.
My friend David who was with me some distance away, thought this was funnier than all get up. He said he'd never saw a 50 year old man run so fast, said I looked like the road runner. It's amazing how agile a good shot of adrenaline can make you! I've been treed twice by moose, charged by a wounded bear and fell through the ice on a fast moving river up to my neck in sub zero weather. But that black bull scared me more than those because it was so instant.
When I felt the ground shake I looked up and all I saw in my sight picture, including extreme left and right peripheral vision was BULL and lots of it! I don't even remember jumping out of the way. When he chased me thorough the briar patch, every time his front hooves hit the ground I could feel my back pockets fill up with hot air! To this day I'm still not sure if that was the bulls breath filling my pockets or my own... "after-burner" (ahem).
Anyway, it's fun to joke about now and luckily he didn't smash my XLT that I left laying on the ground...by the way, any one interested in a good set of headphones with a 20 foot cord?