Thought maybe someone might find this tip useful so here it is.
For those of you who have a wife that sews or who sew yourselves here is a way i found to keep the coil wire attached straight up the shaft and it is easier to remove to change coils than either cable ties or elec. tape. Take about 3 1/2" of wide elastic and sew one half of a piece of velcro to one side on one end and the other piece to the other side at the other end. Then you can stretch it and wrap it around the coil wire and shaft and fasten it together. When you want to remove the coil just pull the velcro apart. Works great and makes changes a lot quicker.
For those of you who have a wife that sews or who sew yourselves here is a way i found to keep the coil wire attached straight up the shaft and it is easier to remove to change coils than either cable ties or elec. tape. Take about 3 1/2" of wide elastic and sew one half of a piece of velcro to one side on one end and the other piece to the other side at the other end. Then you can stretch it and wrap it around the coil wire and shaft and fasten it together. When you want to remove the coil just pull the velcro apart. Works great and makes changes a lot quicker.