OK, I read the manual twice online. I saw all the videos. But I still got confused some on the iron audio function on the ATpro when it got here. It worked flawless right out of the box. But last night passing iron targets over the coil I "thought" it was working backwards. I thought "what the crap!" I mean you have heard the people say that when iron audio is on that it's really off. When off it's really on. There is even a video on youtube that states that he believes it working in reverse. I guess my simple brain couldn't wrap around this iron audio thing either. But just as I thought my machine was bad I figured it all out. It was me! So here is how the iron audio works. The iron audio works hand in hand with the iron discriminating setting. Wave a nail over the coil in any mode with the iron disc set a zero. You will get a iron grunt and number. Now turn the iron audio on and wave the nail. You will now get a medium tone! This is correct as the iron audio feature shifts the medium tone down to the iron disc setting. In this case you had set it on zero so all iron tones will be a medium tone. Now raise the iron disc up 2 numbers higher than your nail reading. With the iron audio off your nail now will not beep or will be a broken tone. Now turn the iron audio on and you'll hear the iron grunt. Where you get confused is when you have an iron target that is reading a higher number over your iron disc setting. Also if your running in the zero mode with the iron audio off your iron will be a grunt - but as soon as you turn the iron audio on in that mode iron will be mid tone as long as you have the disc at zero. Right now I don't see any need to run in zero mode with the iron audio on. I may have confused you further? It's these simple things that get me confused. But after reading page 27 of the manual and another 10 minutes of testing it finally clicked in my brain.
BTW. I explained this to the guy on youtube and he said he already figured it out with a call to Garrett. They told him the same thing. He says his machine is doing great.
BTW. I explained this to the guy on youtube and he said he already figured it out with a call to Garrett. They told him the same thing. He says his machine is doing great.