I went out Sunday afternoon to a swimming hole in a backwater lake off the Tennessee River. The river level was down so the lake level was down about 5 feet. I noticed that the water was down a couple of weeks ago, but the weather has been too cold to enjoy hunting. Sunday it was in the 60s so I put my chest waders on and went hunting. As you can see in my pictures, I found mostly junk, but I did find that little diamond wedding ring marked 10K. Last summer I water-proofed my Tesoro Cibola and found my first gold ring at this beach. It was a thin girls ring. Before I went out Sunday, I put my ATPro in Std Custom mode and ran some coins, a sterling ring and the gold ring from last year over the coil to see what they sounded like and where they were reading. When I got to last year's gold ring, it didn't make a sound, so I checked and 40 was notched out where the ring was hitting. I changed that to accept 40 and the ring sounded loud and clear. That was a good thing, because this diamond ring came in at 40, and I would have missed it if I hadn't changed my setting. The little aluminum tin foil pull tab next to the ring is also 40. I don't remember where the beer tabs came in. The ground balance was set at 60, Iron Audio was off, Sensitivity in the middle and Iron Discriminate was at 25, I think. I was in and out of the water at the lakes edge and didn't have any trouble with the machine at all. I traded the Cibola in on the ATPro.