Most of you are already aware of the Pro's abilities to sniff out goodies in trash. I've been hunting this home site with my T2 and 5" coil. This yard is loaded with trash and iron. The T2 has done well there but its a constant barrage of signals even with the 5". So I recently traded a couple things for a buddies AT Pro and decided to try it there. I've been digging lots of wheat cents and occasionally a silver dime but had never thought to video it. My camera has been MIA anyway and I was rummaging through my truck looking for some gloves and found the camera. The battery didn't have much life but I got some coins being dug and a few are silver today. But a couple of times I got on video the sheer target separation ability of the AT. I was amazed at how it was allowing me to work in all the junk with the stock coil. Running Pro mode Zero, with Iron disc cranked to 40. Coil for coil the T2 goes deeper but this shows that depth ain't everything and the ability to cherry pick in trash sometimes out weighs depth. Video coming soon...I had to stop digging so I could leave and make it to work.