New member
Hi Again,
Reading lots of posts since I'm new here, trying to decide on my next machine and based upon your collective posts, I'm mulling over a GTI 1500 or an AT Pro.
As for just an acid-test question, why would you pick either one or the other if it came down to a couple features? Or to ask another way, what type of hunting and/or environment would cause you to choose one over the other?
For those of you who use the graphical target interface, I was wondering how useful you find that feature and if anyone has done any serious comparison with REAL trash vs coins in terms of accuracy of size measurement, etc.
And speaking of the GTI, how accurately does it indicate nickels?..the bane of discrimination hunting since the 70s.
Also, I knew Garrett gave 40% off coils when you did a trade-in, but do they do the same with detectors as well? That would bring a new GTI 1500 in at around $480 + shipping.
I welcome any and all thoughts as I try to catch up to all this new tech.
Thanks again!
- Ron
Reading lots of posts since I'm new here, trying to decide on my next machine and based upon your collective posts, I'm mulling over a GTI 1500 or an AT Pro.
As for just an acid-test question, why would you pick either one or the other if it came down to a couple features? Or to ask another way, what type of hunting and/or environment would cause you to choose one over the other?
For those of you who use the graphical target interface, I was wondering how useful you find that feature and if anyone has done any serious comparison with REAL trash vs coins in terms of accuracy of size measurement, etc.
And speaking of the GTI, how accurately does it indicate nickels?..the bane of discrimination hunting since the 70s.
Also, I knew Garrett gave 40% off coils when you did a trade-in, but do they do the same with detectors as well? That would bring a new GTI 1500 in at around $480 + shipping.
I welcome any and all thoughts as I try to catch up to all this new tech.
Thanks again!
- Ron