rick (nova scotia)
New member
Well I won't be able to get my hands on one till the new year. Little matter, the season is shot here anyway.
This is what I'm thinking; If the canadian version is going to pick up our modern (about 2000 and newer) iron core coins, surely that is going to diminish it's large iron discrimination abilities ? Frankly if I wanted to find 10 year old coins at a 20 year old site at 4 inches, I could do so with a 200 dollar detector.nuff said.
I want this machine for older, deeper stuff, and it's biger / thick iron discrimination. I would gladly pass by a 2005 quarter in those older sites, if one was there. So I "think" the US version is going to be the better machine, given what "I" want one for. Any thoughts ?
This is what I'm thinking; If the canadian version is going to pick up our modern (about 2000 and newer) iron core coins, surely that is going to diminish it's large iron discrimination abilities ? Frankly if I wanted to find 10 year old coins at a 20 year old site at 4 inches, I could do so with a 200 dollar detector.nuff said.
I want this machine for older, deeper stuff, and it's biger / thick iron discrimination. I would gladly pass by a 2005 quarter in those older sites, if one was there. So I "think" the US version is going to be the better machine, given what "I" want one for. Any thoughts ?