Had an opportunity today to take the pro to gold country here in Aussie. Our guide had lived at the site for 26 years in the back of beyond, and had been averaging about an ounce of gold a day (or so he tells us) between excavating the river, and tunneling.Then married life got to him and now he just goes to his site when he can.Anyway, to the AT PRO. This was a good opportunity to try it out under these conditions.It ground balanced at 93-95 ,ran it on 5 sensitivity and it purred. It ran clean without much by way of falsing. Have no doubt it could have run a higher sensitivity. Got a couple of real strong signals, only to realize it was picking up my steel caps. had to have a chuckle to myself, these things arent idiot proof..... Got cut short on using the detector because it was time to go into the mineshaft. So yea, I was impressed at how it handled the conditions.And no.. I didnt find any gold