Yesterday I tried doing something I read about in the manual and it didn't work for me and I guess it's because of the different types of iron involved. Anyway, in the AT/PRO manual it says to put the mode in zero and scan the iron target and use the + notch to increase the iron discrimination to find targets that might be hidden by iron trash or nails and not use the iron audio in an area with lots of iron targets. This is supposed to help you find targets, but there were so many different pieces of iron at different VDI readings, it went crazy. I tried ground balancing to no avail. This area used to be my garden area and after I got injured in 1996, I had a barrel out there to burn my trash and the barrels would rust apart and be replaced. Why these iron pieces would have different VDI's is beyond me, it looks the same.
Then at the edge of my yard I got a loud but high pitched sound and dug and dug and thought I had found a property marker, but it was a large piece of iron but I tried the iron audio and for some reason it didn't sound like iron. I switched to coins in the standard mode and turned iron audio on and still got a high sound from my headphones. After digging this piece of iron I scanned the area again to check for additional targets and it was quiet.
Should I have reset after trying to use the iron notch on the zero mode? I forgot to increase the height of the coil from the ground to see if it was a larger target, but I can't understand why iron audio didn't sound off with the piece of iron I dug up. It was about 14 inches deep.
Then at the edge of my yard I got a loud but high pitched sound and dug and dug and thought I had found a property marker, but it was a large piece of iron but I tried the iron audio and for some reason it didn't sound like iron. I switched to coins in the standard mode and turned iron audio on and still got a high sound from my headphones. After digging this piece of iron I scanned the area again to check for additional targets and it was quiet.
Should I have reset after trying to use the iron notch on the zero mode? I forgot to increase the height of the coil from the ground to see if it was a larger target, but I can't understand why iron audio didn't sound off with the piece of iron I dug up. It was about 14 inches deep.