Eric in RI
New member
Hey everyone, yesterday was a scorcher of a day. My roommate and I ventured off with our AT Pros and did some water hunting. Mind you, I never tried the machine in the water so this would be the maiden voyage. I gotta say, what a great machine. It was kind of difficult swinging in some parts where the current picked up in the river, but I soon got the hang of it. I managed to find a quarter, 2 dimes and 2 zincolns. My roommate ended up finding $0.78 in clad. Unfortunately I have not yet purchased a long handled scoop so I had to borrow my roommates everytime I found a good signal. I gotta say, it was a lot cooler hunting in knee deep water than hunting on land, I didn't even break a sweat lol! I didn't end up using the blue headphones as I knew the water wasn't that deep and I would not be taking a dunk. The AT Pro worked flawlessly and I can say, I never would've found the $0.47 with my other machine as it is strictly a land machine. This has opened new doors for me and after I acquire a scoop, there's no stopping me now! HH