I decided bring out the AT Pro this morning because it was misting rain. I didn't find much, I spent most of my time going back over some areas that I've hit pretty hard. Not much left there, so I moved down to another site to finish out the morning hunt and found a nice 1937 Mercury Dime. I was using the Pro Zero Mode with full sensitivity and had the larger stock coil attached. This is the first time that I have ever used the larger coil and found it to be a little too nose heavy for my liking, so I'm going to sell it and go back to using the 5 x 8 coil. I works pretty good for me. I also found several wheat pennies (1925, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1935, 1937), a bunch clad coins, and a 1901 Indian Head Penny that I didn't know that I had until I got home. I thought it was wheat penny until cleaned it good.