Well you guys probably remember me asking about a cover for my new AT Pro. A Friend here pm'd me about a guy on another forum that's making and selling them. He's actually a sponsor over there. Well I ordered one but don't think I'll ever see it. Paid $30.00 for it, supposedly it's being shipped. I'll believe it when I see it. There's another guy that's been waiting longer than me and no luck getting the two he ordered. Showed my wife a picture of the one he's making and got a quick "I can make a better cover than that". Went to Walmart last night and got all the supplies and she made the one you see here. I actually helped a little, not to proud to admit I played with a sewing machine. Pretty sweet deal. I'm actually gonna send this one to the guy that's been waiting since the 6th. She's gonna make a couple more for me and my hunting buddy.