I wen back over to my friend's house where I found that mini ball the other day.
There is a huge base ball complex across the highway form his house. So I
went over there and introduced my self to the superintendent of the ball park.
We got along splendidly. I now have the run of the place.
I didn't realize it but there is a small tot lot there. I told the super I would clean
it out for him. he he he he.....
Found a cheep pendant with a broken chain and a silver plated ear ring. I also
found a tiny 14k gold ear ring shaped like a clam shell.
I was in the sun and it was too hot, so I went across the street to my friend's
It's time to go get my boy at school. I'll post about across the street shortly.
There is a huge base ball complex across the highway form his house. So I
went over there and introduced my self to the superintendent of the ball park.
We got along splendidly. I now have the run of the place.
I didn't realize it but there is a small tot lot there. I told the super I would clean
it out for him. he he he he.....
Found a cheep pendant with a broken chain and a silver plated ear ring. I also
found a tiny 14k gold ear ring shaped like a clam shell.
I was in the sun and it was too hot, so I went across the street to my friend's
It's time to go get my boy at school. I'll post about across the street shortly.