I spent another day in the lake. It was cold, so I wore my chest waders. Here's the junk, just to prove I was trying to get some more gold before the deep freeze begins.

Here's are the better finds. Gott to love those one and two dollar coins. They bring up the $$$ very quickly.

My favorite find of the day wasn't the gold, but this vintage St. Christopher Medal. It still has the original pin for mounting on the back. Check out the car, the train, the boat and propeller. They dates the find quite well.

My bling finds. It's always nice to get some gold. Here's the 10K bracelet I dug up. And the item beside it looks like a snake (head broke off) and it's not gold. A nice nito though.

I love finding old fishing tackle. I have several various pieces which have come out of various lakes from the past 20 years. These are quite collectible and get a premium in ebay.
Anyone have any idea what these are? The look like shotgun shells, have wadding on the inside and a firing pin. I doubt anyone would want to fire a gun with a barrel which could support one of these.
That pretty well wraps up another day!