A cool morning it was. Had to scrape the frost off the windows. Met my buddy at McDoggies, headed out to a spot, and there was snow in the trees with the waters starting to freeze.
A great day it was! Very cold but the sun was out! We got so many great targets today. Enjoy the pics.
Here is that beautiful piece of jewellry I dug. I could not believe it was from th 40's, and further research showed that one recently in very good condition sold for $600.00 at an auction.
Some misc. finds. A wind up watch...Swiss made. Doesn't work.
A nice Commemorative token celebrating our kid's education.
Some tags, another token and a silver sewing thimble. Haven't found one of these for a while.....
An old whiskey or water flask with the owners name inscribed on it. Some of these fetch a good dollar on Ebay.
And here are the coins from today. Got some nice keepers. One of the best hunts this year.