I looked at the operations Manuel briefly and noticed some things. If you look at the AT Pro & Gold they are built on the same foundation, the gold having what Garrett calls a true all metal mode and the AT Pro has a Zero mode that's serves the same purpose over all with nothing discriminated out. The AT Gold has All Metal, Disc 1 and Disc 2 . The Disc 1 is a 0 discrimination mode that allows tone ID and you can adjust the Iron discrimination. Disc 2 allows tone ID and has a set US coins discrimination pre programmed and the ability to adjust iron discrimination. No where did I see any ability to notch anything out in the discrimination modes for Disc 1 or 2 other than the iron in both disc modes and I only saw the coin pre sets from the factory for disc 2. The Gold has a threshold adjust that the AT Pro does not have, this would have been nice on the AT Pro. The face plates are labeled different specific to each detector one being multi purpose the other being for prospecting and gold. The rest of the features are pretty much the same other than the coil size. For coin and relic hunting I think I would like the notch discrimination ability and give up the threshold ability of the AT Gold. I will get the smaller DD coil when it becomes available for the AT Pro. Both detectors have four frequencies and look to have similar if not the same ground balance systems. Over all the detectors look to be a lot the same with some defining difference's or features depending on what you want. I may have missed something here, it was just a quick over view of the AT Golds Operations Manuel.
Best Of Luck To All Fellow Hunters,
Bill G
Best Of Luck To All Fellow Hunters,
Bill G