Well its only my opinion, but I think the "coin mode" notch discrimination
slows down the Pro, therefore I run mine without anything notched in zero mode, sensitivity full speed ahead. If your after US clad coins just dig the VDI of any tri-combo of 53, which will put you in good gold range as a bonus, 76
down to mid 60's for zinc pennies in their various state of rot

, 80 -82 for pennies and dimes, and 85-87 for quarters and dollar coins. Keep in mind that the Pro is capable and
WILL give hybrid signals for stacked coins, example a 92 can be two or more quarters, or a half dollar. I dug a nickel spill that of course mid toned and VDI in the low sixties, same as a beaver tail pull tab.

A penny on a quarter will give a degraded VDI somewheres between the two coins VDI. Those
broken tones you're hearing might just be metal on the
edge of the VDI notch, the "twilight zone" I don't have that problem as you have described in zero mode, so it might be something inherited by the coin mode itself.
Most clad I find 90% is subsurface 1-3 inches underground, so if your not using a ProPointer your coin shooting with your hands tied. My "pinpoint" is 99.99% off the tip of the DD, then a quick hit with the ProPointer to that area to ascertain the exact location and probable depth of the coin. I very rarely use the "pinpoint" feature on the Detector, and then only when the object is super deep or the grass too high, and then its a "Hail Mary", again that's where the ProPointer is worth its weight in
gold, er silver.
I use a
thin Stanley screwdriver to "pop" the coins. If the area detected lights up the pinpointer and its too large of an area.....say a 6-7 inch circle you've got yourself a large metal object, usually a huge steel washer, or can, in my experience both of which can throw high tones, and VDI's. In wet conditions a coin can put out a larger area and the "sweet spot" can be found by detuning the ProPointer, by turning it off real quick and back on while its "rattling'... this should narrow down the spot to the size of the coin itself.
Keep plugging at it, it will all come together!