[size=x-large]THIS TIME we dicided to seach just north of the old farm stead and about 30 ft from the house my detector was getting a signal it was a nails but i was still getting a signal from the hole so digging deeper a large 5x7 iron plate came out then we noticed some ash and melted glass so we widened the hole and out was coming Redwing stoneware from 1897 -1906 eara milk bowls butter churns tones of nails burnt morter and spaled foundation stones all the pottery had avedenc eof intens heat . forks and spoons tools not one thing was from the modern eara the spot whear we then probed is 15 x 25 ft also brick was coming out It all tells a tragic story of the farm burning to the ground between 1897 and 1906 i dated the stoneware, as well as a medicine bottle that was badly melted , I figure they whear out in the feild trying to get the harvest in and some wind blew a lamp over or a coal got lose from the wood stove soon they seen the smoke rising ohh no , the house , they all ran as fast as they could but it was to late they could not get near the flames , to hot all moms dishes dads tools all the silverware the 4 gal butter crock they slept in the barn that nite , whith the cowsand drank from thear utters ,, they salvaged what foundation stones they could and filled it in But back in those days they had good nighbors and they had a house raising and soon things got back to normal again and they had many good crops the end[/size]