John In Edmonton Leslie Nova Scotia and all of
you cold weather
have given me the
bug to try it here in PIttsburgh ..
SO ill be using the ACE250 its light
and all the electrical stuff including batteries
are in one housing..Unlike the GTI with the control
box and batteries apart.. and Therein lies my question..
I have plenty of the chemical handwarmers I use for hunting
and early season fishing ..How do i wrap them on the ACE so
they work best? Also will I notice any performance differences
in the cold weather?
Any tips on where to hunt in the cold are also welcome
Thanks for the help I know Ill get
Rangers Lead The Way
you cold weather

bug to try it here in PIttsburgh ..
SO ill be using the ACE250 its light
and all the electrical stuff including batteries
are in one housing..Unlike the GTI with the control
box and batteries apart.. and Therein lies my question..
I have plenty of the chemical handwarmers I use for hunting
and early season fishing ..How do i wrap them on the ACE so
they work best? Also will I notice any performance differences
in the cold weather?
Any tips on where to hunt in the cold are also welcome
Thanks for the help I know Ill get
Rangers Lead The Way