By design, the VFLEX engineering utilized in the X-Terra will provide better "insulation" (when passing signals from the coil to the control housing) from random, unwanted, signal variations. This "noise" can be caused by RFI, EMI, electric transformer leakage or many other sources of electrical or magnetic interference. When you think about it, a detector's coil and coil cable act much like an antennae would to a radio. It receives and retransmits signals. With digital signals passing along the "VFLEX cable" those digitized signals do not become distorted (interfered with), as analog signals might. It is a matter of digitally coded "ones and zeroes" sent out in a programmed sequence, as opposed to an analog signal being floated along a copper wire.
The coil frequency that provides the "best" isolation from interference will depend on what the specific interference is. Again, all sites are different. And various sources of interference produce varying frequencies of harmonics. So to be able to say that one frequency is better than another for everyone, would be leading folks astray. However, in comparing the 9-inch concentric coils in several places I hunt, I've determined I have to lower my sensitivity on the higher frequency coil (compared to the 3 kHz or 7.5 kHz), or it chatters. I won't say that indicates it is more "succeptible" to interference. But the signal sent back to the control housing is "noisier" than the signals sent on the two lower frequencies. Without having the schematics of the three coils, I can only guess as to what causes it.
As to size..... If you had two similarly designed coils of differing sizes, but the same frequency, the larger coil would "receive" more interference due to it providing a larger antennae platform. Without having two coils of the same size at the same frequency, with one concentric and one DD, I can only speculate that the concentric would be "noisier" than the DD. This "theory" is based on the fact that the receive winding of concentric coils is located "inside and parallel to" the transmit windings. On a DD, the receive winding and transmit winding are mirror images of one another. As such, there is an inherit ability to neutralize the ground imbalance, resulting in an ability to run your X-Terra with a higher sensitivity setting. Again, without having two coils of the same size and frequency, one DD and one concentric, my thoughts are just based on a theory. JMHO HH Randy