I spent about 4 hours in the field today. Overcast and a cool wind made the windchill 43* I have mentioned we don't have much hunting time left as it is getting cool out. I spent 2 hours in a bean field that was a site of an 1875 school house. I dug an old can out of there and that was it! I went to another field that was supposed to be an old ball diamond. I went into the drive and started hunting with my trusty 600. Soon I got a good signal but it was reading a solid 18. I thought it may have been a shot shell or a green Indian head. I dug down 6" and popped out a metal object that was in the shape of a triangle. I looked at in and could make out 5 cents in trade! Put it in the pouch and found a shot shell and finally a 1941 merc. I may post pics tomorrow as I am tired. I always dig signals in a field that read between 18-21. I was running in Field 2,F2,iron bias 0 and sensitivity 24. My point I am trying to make is that some folk notch out numbers. Use your head and your machine wisely and you will find the good stuff! Ted