now im not a whites fanboy(even tho i have just traded for a m6),or minelab(even though i own all of their coin and relic machines),i like my fishers,and my troy x5 has its place,but the comments you have just made about the quattro should be quantified
.. yes,the quattro has probably the worst recovery rate known to man(solution? aqquire good hunting skills and learn to hunt SLOOWWWWW
)..would i use the quattro for comp hunts? no..(ARE YOU OUT OF UR FREKIN MIND???
)..would i beach hunt with the quattro?ABSOULUTELY! like being there with a ex2/excaliber this is where i beleve the quattro shines(and so do most quattro owners),it is brilliant in that area,an area where WHITES hasnt got an answer for it(depth etc).. dfx mxt,m6,beachhunter etc not in the same over!(lets not include the xlt in this scenario,as i think the xlt is the WORST single frequency machine in wet/semi/mildly wet sand,bar NONE! hell,the ace 250 is better on the beach than an xlt
)NOW!!!let me quantify my own statement here
yes,the Q is great on the beach,with depth WHITES(non pi machines) can only have wet dreams about,But! as all Q and ex 2/excaliber users realise,they aint to hot on fine gold chains etc(not a lot of machines are
),so thats one area whites mxt,dfx et al have an advantage,but then again,after ive gone for the deepies(stuff your dfx/mxt wouldnt even make a peep on
)..i go over the area of beach with one of my troy x5,s and 10.5 dd and get any fine gold stuff if its there,and the gold the mxt/m6/dfx cant even see..SO i guess what im basically saying is.. USE the machine/coil setup appropiate to the conditions your hunting(logic)
NOW! if your a speed hunter and just want as much clad in as little time as possible(wether at the beach,parks or schools or whatever),THEN THE QUATTRO ISNT FOR YOU!!!!
But if you want the deep silver etc, you americans seem to go goo goo about
, then dont write off the quattro.. All machines have their place,good and bad points etc,i know this is a whites forum,and i expect to see a little bias,but dont put machines down blindly because because you love your dfx or what ever
be objective! hell! i have a friend who gets better finds(and more!) than me with his ace 250(god,thats hard to admit on a forum,but its true
),and i have what i,d call a fairly decent choice of machines(coinstike,edge,cz 70,xt 70,quattro,xlt,eagle spectrum,troy x5,s etc,etc)so im not biased one way or the other,i use what works for me(wether that be an ace 250 or whatever) in the conditions i find myself in,and if its a whites machine(or bounty hunter) and it gets me the goodies,who cares???
peace all(no matter what machine you own,or what forum you prefer to post on
ps.. oh,as for the quattros trash hunting abilities,let me just say almost drove me into an asylum when i first got the machine(the machine was lucky to survive that hunt),but oh,what a difference a small dd coil can make! the quattro taught me patience and skills for hunting in trash,that i will be always grateful for,wether using it or other anything,in the right hands it is good in the trash,and with patience,and a matching sweep,it will hold its own with a simarly optioned whites(or other) machine..
this is all just my own personal opinion of course