New member
Spent a couple hours with the father at a beach and a tot lot. Found something on the beach that resemebled a silver dollar in size and shape. Rinsed it off and realized there was a depression in the middle, ended up poking it out. We believed it to be a washer at that point, however, after doing some cleaning, I'm realizing that the hole isn't quite centered like I would assume a washer to be. Also, one side has some bumps parallel to each other on the sides of the hole, not sure if the sediment did this by coincidence or if it was possibly a pin someone wore. Also found part of a relic piece (piece of a zipper maybe?). A lot of garbage besides that as you can see in the photo, including what we think was a bullet from the kids playground, but overall a fun day! I should add also, I was really impressed with the Fisher 1260-x, it was picking the tiniest things up from up to 12", next time i'll back off the sensitivity! Was great in wet sand also and we ended up just leaving the Quick Draw behind and using 1 detector