Yes, I have had two.
At thirty-nine bucks, they are a great buy, and you will probably get your money's worth.
However, I must say that both of mine died on me. I got several years out of the first one, but barely more than a year on the second one (which I paid the $39 for).
In time, the buzzer gets less and less audible, until finally you are left with only the red light as an indicator. The white penlight beam on my first one quit after two weeks or so, but I never needed it. It was too wimpy, anyway, and would barely shine to the end of the shaft. But that was on an earlier model. The second one I got had an improved, brighter light that lasted as long as the probe did. (Which unfortunately wasn't very long).
Price considerations aside, would the Tinytec be my first pick? Probably not. But did I get my money's worth out of the two I used? You betcha. I can still recommend it as a nice cheap probe, and if your luck runs better than mine, you may get years of trouble-free service out of yours (as I did with my first one).
I guess I am just jinxed when it comes to probes. When my second Tinytec died, I bought a much more expensive Sun Ray GI-1 for my GTI-2500, and it was great... for two weeks. Then IT went bad on me, leaving me probeless. (However, to be fair, I should say that the main reason I found this website is so I could resolve my issue with the Sun-Ray, and Ralph at Sun-Ray generously agreed to fix my GI-1 under warranty, even though I had procrastinated for about a year before sending it in and I might not have even registered it when I got it. It goes off today to be fixed, and if it works well upon the return, I might become a Sun-Ray fan in time.)
I must be rough on my probes. I do often leave my detector and probes in my vehicle, which is not a good idea here in the Deep South during summertime. (However, my Sun-Ray went bad during cooler weather, so I don't think a hot van was the problem in that case.)
I probably should treat my equipment a little better than I do.
Try the Tinytec for $39. Shoot, I might get another one if they are still selling them at that price (got a link?), and keep it as a loaner/backup probe. At the cheap price, you haven't got much to lose. You'll get some good use out of it before it dies, if it dies at all. (Like I said, it might just work great for you, with no problems).
At the price, they're hard to beat.