Well-known member
Hunted a small bay beach today and could not run my Tejon in all metal near the powerlines that are on one side of the beach. It constantly pulsed loudly, a reaction from the overhead lines for sure because once I got away from that side of the beach I was able to run in all metal.
one thing that really suprised me about the cleansweep, it ran very smooth over the wet sand as long as I slowed my sweep speed down, switched over to disc and set the disc at iron which really is a low setting, sens about halfway into the red zone. I would have thought a big coil like this would go nuts and Id have to dial in some higher disc setting and lower the sens but not the case. Gotta give this coil a ocean wet sand workout
I had one of these cleansweeps years ago on a GS II I had and what a difference between that version and this one(the high output one). I got nickels down to 8" or so, weak signal yes, but consistent and that read almost the entire length of the coil. they are lighter also, the old one I had(if I remember right)had a black poured epoxy bottom and this one is the white plastic on the bottom. Tesoro did a heck of a job building this coil.
one thing that really suprised me about the cleansweep, it ran very smooth over the wet sand as long as I slowed my sweep speed down, switched over to disc and set the disc at iron which really is a low setting, sens about halfway into the red zone. I would have thought a big coil like this would go nuts and Id have to dial in some higher disc setting and lower the sens but not the case. Gotta give this coil a ocean wet sand workout

I had one of these cleansweeps years ago on a GS II I had and what a difference between that version and this one(the high output one). I got nickels down to 8" or so, weak signal yes, but consistent and that read almost the entire length of the coil. they are lighter also, the old one I had(if I remember right)had a black poured epoxy bottom and this one is the white plastic on the bottom. Tesoro did a heck of a job building this coil.