show, at least two of them that I recognize, some of the terrain and dirt we'll be dealing with on our two WTHO's this year. One I know was from a site of a Nevada Outing and the other was from one of the Eastern Oregon sites that are part of an Outing we will have this year.
I seldom used a 'mid-sized' search coil, and like Tom I never warmed up to White's 6X10 DD. Matter of fact, I usually didn't like DD coils on many newer detectors, even though I used DD coils on many of the detectors I had from '71 'til '77, and then off-and-on when I had one back in my arsenal. Today things are quite different for me when it comes to search coil selection. As I have since '68, I usually prefer smaller-size search coils because I hunt in brush and trash and building rubble, and it also helps keep the weight down for less fatigue and better detector control.
Today I will usually use a 7X11 DD on a FORS Relic before another model, and for some applications it will be a 7X11 DD on the new Impact. I only use that size coil in a wide-open, sparse-target environment such as a beach, sports field, or large old grassy park.
I keep a small-size coil on my Impact, one of the Relics, my CoRe my Racer 2 and one of my Gold Racers, as well as my three Tesoro's. The 5½X10 DD is mounted-full-time on my FORS Gold +, 2nd Gold Racer, and on my 2nd FORS Relic I keep the 5½X10 Concentric. I use the 5½X10 DD or Concentric coils when hunting any low-to-moderately trashy site, and like the solid housing to eliminate snags and hang-ups in stubble, weeds, stiff brush and twigs, etc. And as Tom mentioned, the depth and coverage is close to what you get from a 7X11 DD. Not quite but very close, and I find the 5½X10 to still be a comfortable coil on a Nokta or Makro detector.
Consider giving the 5½X10 coil a try on your Racer 2. I think you'll enjoy it. And if you want to try and hunt up some nice old 'keepers' like Gregg had photos of, you might want to consider participating in a Welcome-to-Hunt Outing we have coming up in May and in June. Gregg's been to them, and Tom's done okay as well on the Nevada trips. They are open to anyone who wants to have fun and try to uncover some nice lost objects from long ago. If interested, drop me a PM or e-mail [size=small](address below)[/size]. By-the-way, we have seen a growing number of attendees using Makro and Nokta detectors on each of the Outings we've held since they perform so well in the nail and debris filled sites we hunt.