A friend of mine had an Ace 250, and it wasn't very efficient at all, on the wet salt. Especially in minerals. But even on white-sand non-mineralized beaches, it would still be "spanked" by Excalibers, Explorers, 6000 di pro's, etc... And probably out-done 3x over if you start comparing it to beach pulse machines. But ..... of course ....... when going to a pulse, you'd lack disc. (which is ok if you're not on a nail-ridden beach, I suppose). In any case, it will be clobbered all around, on the wet-salt-beach.
If you're just going to dink around, and targets are prolific and easy, then yeah, it'll find stuff. But if you want to get serious, you'll need to upgrade. The So CA beaches (based on your name) are primarily touristy non-commercial types (ie.: "baywatch" type beaches). So you may get by with a pulse machine down there. They are the choice of all the pro's down there it seems. Here in my part of CA, the pulse machine guys usually drop them in favor of a Excaliber, or CZ6, or 6000 di pro, etc... Some of our beaches had industrial wharves, commercial fishing pasts, and a lot of them allow bonfires (or did up till recent years anyhow), which introduced nails en-masse. For whatever reason, there's only a few of our beaches in my area, where you can actually use a pulse, without going mad.