Well I have a hearing problem where I hear low freq. better than high and just luv the TeJon for its ability to give me an option of either. My question anyone know if the older Toltec 11 can be modified by turning a pot to lower the 750 freq to lower freq. because of my personal problems.. I know the original toltec 100 had a set low fequency and one wonders why the remake came with a higher frequency...Of course will call Tesoro but in the meantime inquiring minds would like to know and accepting E-mails Detectdan@msn.com
I know Tesoro frowns upon anyone opening the control box and feel a freq. change is not a true mod and could easily be changed back if unit needed service not voiding the warranty...thanks for reading and suggestions invited as we have many learned detectorists on this forum...
I know Tesoro frowns upon anyone opening the control box and feel a freq. change is not a true mod and could easily be changed back if unit needed service not voiding the warranty...thanks for reading and suggestions invited as we have many learned detectorists on this forum...