obxsabresfan said:
anyone out there tell me about the infinium pro's and con's? I'm in the market for a good water for the beach here on the outer banks. I've got it narrowed down to minelab excalibur ll,white's surf pi df, garrett infinium,garrett sea hunter mark ll. I'm leaning towards the excalibur with the 15+ frequencies, but then I read that the ifinium has something like 75+ frequencies plus its a pulse is it the best of both worlds???
Actually 96 frequencies in each pulse, but they are not user adjustable so the knowledge is of no practical meaning.
Of the detectors in this picture the Infinium LS is the one with the fastest switch on and go function, it takes just one click and a 10 seconds wait for all the internal auto settings to take place before the coil can be lowered to the ground and searching can commence......................but the Infinium LS is also the slowest of these detector to use IF one wants to maintain it's Full Performance.
Best ways to diminish the performance of an Infinium LS is..............fast coil swing speed, coil to far of the ground, incorrect set ground balance and last but not least......Discrimination.
Use and do all of the above on salt water ocean beaches besides "Black Sand Beaches" and users of multi-frequency VLF detectors are

Even on our

gold fields the Infinium LS must be used optimised at all time but if one wants to go beyond it's capability then there is another solution.
There is a way to self indulge in ones ability to use an Infinium LS, even if set-up and used incorrectly and that is to use it in a place that are used and frequented by many people over many years...........without competition from other detector users.
Early 1980ties my Garrett ADS Deep-seeker and Sea Hunter XL500 PI helped find more beach goodies than my present Garrett GTA, GTI, AT-Pro and Infinium LS will ever do in the same places................30 years later we now use better detectors but there is a lot more of them, so these days it's about working smarter.
There are no best detector, just better suited................It's the operator that make it happen.