but it seems to have stopped. It was doing it for about 3 weeks. I know what you are talking about. It seems to have somehow 'fixed' itself, but I am still going to send it in under the warranty to have it tuned up. I am not far from Cleveland, so I am wondering if a bunch of them came up here that way? But then again, I ordered mine thru Hobby Town USA and I think he gets them out of state (Missouri or Milwaukee or something like that). I don't think he orders them straight from Garrett.
Otherwise how does it seem to work in your area? How does it handle the ground? How deep are you finding the coins? How long have you had it? You should be able to crank up the sensitivity to 6 or 7 if you need to and it should work good at the beach for you, which my other machines have a problem with at beaches near Lake Erie. You should really like it because it works really well in this area. The big coil works great in this area as does the small sniper coil. I hope yours starts working again like mine did.
Here is some information if you didn't know....the Cleveland Metroparks, you need to get a permit at the Headquarters which is located somewhere near the Cleveland Zoo ( I don't know exactly where). The Lake County Metroparks, you also need a permit and that is off of South 44 and Auburn Rd. and I think it is called the Concord Park. And also, when you are at a public beach or state park where there is a beach (like Mentor Headlands) you can only hunt the beach, you cannot hunt the parking lot. They will give you a warning and then a fine. You cannot even have your detector on if you are walking from your car to the beach or from the beach to your car.
Good luck and let us know what you have been finding.